2008 was a good year like all the others. Heres a tribute to 2008, I will just randomly list some events that took place since im a bad writer. We were able to do many things and see so many great people. Cheers to the many fun places we got to visit like Mexico, Florida, Peru, Chicago, AZ, Las Vegas and Colorado, St. George, and Moab. Man what great trips they were, and since they were so good it just feeds our addiction for travel and play.Cheers to Wesley, he turned a year old in july and then in sept he got his year long helmet off, its been fun to watch Wesley grow and learn to walk and talk and see his personality come alive. Cheers to the new president elect of the USA. Cheers to our old falling apart house, we finished most of our house and the apt downstairs is almost done and ready to be rented soon. Cheers to physical activity, Danny and I were able to do many different races and already signed up for some others for 2009. We were thankful for the family and friends that were able to come out to slc and stay with us as well. Cheers to the High school reunions, family reunions, birthdays, baby showers, weddings, new pregnancies and parties just for the heck of it, man what good times! We have had a good year and we owe it all to our family and friends who support us and make us laugh. We were able to spend the holidays with our friends and family back home in AZ and Colorado so cheers to our job flexibility! We also say cheers to all the good books we have read this year and all the great old and new music all around the world and new people we have met. Cheers to all the new ideas, thoughts and life changing events. We have really been through quite alot this year and we have enjoyed every minute of it( even the cold times). Good or bad we look back on it all and just remember the good times however my journal might disagree a little hehe. Anyway we have gone through some big changes personally in our life as a little family and we are so grateful for these changes. Cheers to family, Cheers to friends, Cheers to 2008, Cheers to life, Life is beautiful so THANKYOU TO ALL.
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