Thursday, October 02, 2008

Body Worlds yeah!!!!

The next four months will be an exciting time for many reasons. One reasons is that we get to see more family and friends and the other reason is because Josalyn gets to help out at the Body Worlds famous anatomy exhibit. Here is a picture of one of the many displays. This is such a cool exhibit, it takes me back to the college days in anatomy class, but at least these bodies dont smell, they are all preserved through plasination. This exhibit i cant express enough how amazing it is, maybe im just really into the body but one could spend all day looking at them all. My job will vary from day to day hour to hour but the first time I got to hang out and monitor the exhibit, and I think next time i get to help with some dissections of pigs or frogs in the Leo Zone. While Im there volunteering Welsey hangs out with his buddies Jeff, Laura and the two pugs. He loves feeding his snacks to the dogs. We appreciate their kindness to watch him while we are gone.


Loree said...

how cool. i have never seen the body worlds exhibit yet. I really want too. i have heard it is amazing. how do you get to volunteer? how long is it in town? when are you guys coming down to AZ? have a great day!

The Bates said...

Cool job! I am jealous. I never got to go and see the exhibit but I wanted to sooo bad. That stuff really interests me. So yes we are all moved in with D&M. We don't know how long we will be here for sure but at least until January. We are getting so excited for you guys to come here and wish it was sooner! We need to hug and kiss Wesley.

Rae and Ben said...

I love your guys blog. I want to come see the body works display. When will you be there? It would be fun to come when you are there.

Brosita said...

Wow- I wanted to go see that when it was in portland...but we didnt have the $ at the time. Cool that you get to help out with it. The pics of your little guy are so cute. Climbing to the top of his changing table...he is just like his parents! A climber!