Thursday, October 23, 2008

Granduer Peak/Beehive Tea Room

So a friend of mine (Marie) was in town so we decided to go for a quick hike to see the leaves changing and the great view from the top. We went up Grandeur Peak and it was beautiful as always. The last time we did this same hike Wesley was one month from being born so technically its his second time up there, however it didnt seem like he remembered much, hehe. When we got to the top we realized that his helmet was coming loose and we lost the screws so it broke. So he got to have it off for a good long time until we were smart enough to realize we could use the other screws from the other old helmets to fix it and bodabing bodabang  it was ready to go back on.  Anyway it was a good weekend, since on Sunday we also took tracks with Dannys friend and his kids to a really cool cafe. Well its called the Beehive Tea room, so its not quite a cafe cuz when you walk in its got different rooms that are so relaxing and cozy and you can order something to eat and drink. We highly recommend it for a nice relaxing meal or snack or to go and collect your thoughts, as we were here it was like we were transported to another place. It had such ambiance. Maybe because its got such an oldies feel to it, a classical feel. They play jazz, and blues music the kinda lounging music that would really help you do some good writing or drawing if your into that. It makes a great end to a hard week or day. I just had to blog it since its super cool.

Decorated with an eclectic mix of second-hand furniture, the Beehive gives an atmosphere of having "stepped back in time" when tearooms in cities like New York and San Francisco were bohemian hangouts frequented by artists and writers. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Helmet News and Cousin Visit

Well just in case anyone was wondering about when Wesley gets his helmet off we've on an answer for you, November 2nd. This is a year from when he first
 got it. When we would go to the doctor who makes the helmets he would say not till January and we were a little confused since they said a year from surgery, but the surgeon looked at it a week ago and said his head is perfect, just a couple more weeks. Yaya! Things have 
worked out so well and although it says craniosynostosis sucks on his helmet, we should  mention that it actually has its advantages like avoiding head injuries. Now im sure i will be paranoid when it comes off and be more careful and also I will have to make sure that his hair cuts are a little better since i cant hide them anymore. I added some photos of before and after. Its hard to tell the difference with all his hair but his head is not as long and his forehead doesnt stick out. The surgery made him a soft spot that allowed room for his brain to grow which has now closed at the same time a regular soft spot closes. We are lucky to have such good medical care these days, just 5 years ago it would have been a lot worse for Wesley. Also Wesley visited his cousins at Thanksgiving point, he had a great time with them with all the rides and games, its a great fun place to go and probably better when its not so crowded. I will post some pics later when i get them from my sis that so kindly took them for me!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Sleepless night because of a crazy woman

Sleepless night because of a crazy woman

Ok I just had to blog this because it was weird and scary. We have had some bad experiences before like being robbed at our old apt while we were sleeping and or the people next to us yelling and keeping us up all night or meeting a guy and finding out later that he killed his wife a week later. But wed night we had a weird encounter with a lady that we think was on drugs and or drunk. At like 12:30 we hear some talking we were not sure if it was one person or two but then suddenly we hear a pounding noise at our door and it gets louder and louder and we hear a womans voice saying "ah come on open, open." The pounding on our front door lasted a good while and after the first loud pound danny calls 911. while we wait for the cops to show up this lady is going to every door and every window pounding and hard as she can trying to get in and yelling. we see her hands scrape the window like an old scary Halloween movie. then she moves to the sliding glass door and starts pounding on that and trying to get in we turn on the light out there and finally see her. She had long brown/reddish hair, in a tank top(its was cold out too)with tattoos everywhere. Our faces and eyes meet and we can hear her and shes saying "open the door" over and over. We said to her do you need help like 5 times and her reply was "are you retarded." Well I probably did look retarded with my hair all crazy,black mascara smudged eyes and the freaked out face I was making. Finally she too off running and the cops got there two minutes too late. He starts looking for her up and down the street then she comes running down the street again and started rolling around on our lawn. We call 911 and tell them we see her again and the cop comes and finally catches her. phew!! all done. of course i cant sleep after something like that.  Especially considering we have been robbed before and one of my clients just told me that same day that there was a woman going around scoping out house to rob. yikes! it was a different lady but still yikes. well we think she was just having some drug/alcohol related symptoms and maybe she thought our house was the house she was suppose to be at or was her house. she seemed like she was frustrated that she couldn't get in like it was her house. anyways that was a scary night, i grabbed Wesley brought him into out bed and couldn't get it out of my head. i think Danny got a little sleep since nothing ever seemed to worry him AS Much as it does me. hey other than that things are great, Wesley is learning and growing great and life is just dandy! p.s. lock your doors at all times you never know when someone will try to get in when they don't even know where they are or if they do!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Body Worlds yeah!!!!

The next four months will be an exciting time for many reasons. One reasons is that we get to see more family and friends and the other reason is because Josalyn gets to help out at the Body Worlds famous anatomy exhibit. Here is a picture of one of the many displays. This is such a cool exhibit, it takes me back to the college days in anatomy class, but at least these bodies dont smell, they are all preserved through plasination. This exhibit i cant express enough how amazing it is, maybe im just really into the body but one could spend all day looking at them all. My job will vary from day to day hour to hour but the first time I got to hang out and monitor the exhibit, and I think next time i get to help with some dissections of pigs or frogs in the Leo Zone. While Im there volunteering Welsey hangs out with his buddies Jeff, Laura and the two pugs. He loves feeding his snacks to the dogs. We appreciate their kindness to watch him while we are gone.