So a friend of mine (Marie) was in town so we decided to go for a quick hike to see the leaves changing and the great view from the top. We went up Grandeur Peak and it was beautiful as always. The last time we did this same hike Wesley was one month from being born so technically its his second time up there, however it didnt seem like he remembered much, hehe. When we got to the top we realized that his helmet was coming loose and we lost the screws so it broke. So he got to have it off for a good long time until we were smart enough to realize we could use the other screws from the other old helmets to fix it and bodabing bodabang it was ready to go back on. Anyway it was a good weekend, since on Sunday we also took tracks with Dannys friend and his kids to a really cool cafe. Well its called the Beehive Tea room, so its not quite a cafe cuz when you walk in its got different rooms that are so relaxing and cozy and you can order something to eat and drink. We highly recommend it for a nice relaxing meal or snack or to go and collect your thoughts, as we were here it was like we were transported to another place. It had such ambiance. Maybe because its got such an oldies feel to it, a classical feel. They play jazz, and blues music the kinda lounging music that would really help you do some good writing or drawing if your into that. It makes a great end to a hard week or day. I just had to blog it since its super cool.
Decorated with an eclectic mix of second-hand furniture, the Beehive gives an atmosphere of having "stepped back in time" when tearooms in cities like New York and San Francisco were bohemian hangouts frequented by artists and writers. |